Welcome to Mahour holding

Mahour Holding

Mahour group ( Metropol Iranian ) with the policy of entrance into markets in both domestic and international areas has been present in the fields of Production, advertisements, marketing, merchandising, insurance and consultancy in management systems as well as quality improvement since 2005. It has strived to cover all Production and commercial affairs from market research, marketing and advertisements up to commercial process and backing up the requirements and fulfillment of clients requests to the end.

In this regard Arian Tejarat Pars Mahour, Mahour Pars Advertisement Center, Mahour Management Consultancy office in Management systems and quality improvement has been established and launched. This group has been successful in drawing attention and interest of all stakeholders including all internal and external clients , providing a wide range of production, marketing services, ads, commercial ,logistics and management consultancy. The followings are the main features of this group.

Trust is our Motto

Management Consultant Group


Continuous service improvement
Innovation in service presentation and value creation
Continuous employees training
Team work
Loyalty and honesty at work
Using new technologies
Sustainable growth
Competitive rates
Full realization task to reach goals
SWOT analysis to recognize Strength / Weakness vis-à-vis opportunities / Threads
Customer orientation


Being an ideal advertisement, marketing and branding firm in middle east
Being a provider of consultancy services in advertisement using technologic ideas.
Using the best technologies to effective wide range of client’s title in market.
Creating new , interesting and high quality performance
Authentication and consolidation as the best provider of ads, marketing, commercial and managerial services


Presenting effective advertising ,marketing, commercial, managerial services on the basis of organizational strategies
Performing market research and using brilliant ideas and innovation to upgrade clients
Making mutual and sustain relations on the basis of participation, responsibility, mutual understanding and honesty
Increasing customer satisfaction
Media development
Promoting goods and services quality levels
Stability and promoting Mahour brand
Increasing normative quality , cultural and social requirements in Mahour works
Decreasing energy consumption and natural resources while trying to protect the environment
Promoting and creating satisfaction in employees
Promoting man power knowledge and skills

CEO's message

Mahour Holdings


Today and in the third millennium, organizations are successful in the field of competition that are faster than others to observe continuous changes in the environment and benefit from fleeting opportunities. We have always believed that science, experience and expertise should have this ability to serve other people. Therefore, with the help of the Almighty God, from the beginning of the establishment of the holding, by planning development-oriented strategies and by creating a quality and comprehensive product portfolio, combining experience and knowledge, and using all available capacities, we aim to improve the decision-making processes by observing professional principles. Taking, supervising and monitoring the processes, expert analyzes based on scenarios, knowledge management, explaining the tasks, determining the criteria and key performance indicators and creating synergy between all the elements of the group and the holding companies and the network of colleagues and improving the cooperation within the network. and foresight in the development of services, portfolio of assets and products, led to the preservation and development of investments in line with the protection and maximization of the interests of the beneficiaries and shareholders.

And also in order to solve the problems of the industries by gathering an expert, dynamic and empathetic team, we have created the conditions to provide, away from exaggerations and slogans, the satisfaction and satisfaction of our customers, who are true partners and constant companions of our successes. let's bring

Another of our main goals in the holding is to create an organizational and cultural infrastructure suitable for creating an agile organization that conforms to global standards and benefits from new knowledge and technologies. Therefore, we very much hope that in the coming years, we will consciously and boldly move along the path of development and see the story of our successes from the words of our loyal customers season by season.

We have cultivated love in our souls

We have brought the seven gems of Armaghan

Seven cups from seven bartenders seven hands

Until we go to the square again, drunk


Ismaeel Ismaeelzadeh

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